The December 14, 2020 meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab. The Council member contact information is under Council Members.
Delegation – Petition re: SaskTel Internet Proposal:
Gwen Smith addressed Council to present a petition that she initiated on, an online petition platform. The petition was requesting that Council reconsider the decision made at the November, 2020 Council meeting to proceed with the SaskTel Proposal for Emma, Christopher and Anglin Lakes utilizing the Additional Service Area legislation. The legislation permitting the creation of Additional Service Areas requires that the cost be levied on all lots in the affected area. The petitioners felt that the funding should come only from those that wished to subscribe to the SaskTel service. As well, the petitioners felt that the speeds that the proposal is designed at were too low given the mandate of the Federal Government for speeds of 50/10 to be available by 2030.
Council received the petition as information.
Update on SaskTel Internet Proposal:
At the November, 2020 meeting, Council approved the SaskTel proposal to proceed. The next steps were to establish Emma and Christopher Lakes as an Additional Service Area and arrange for a public meeting before a bylaw can be considered. A letter was to go out by the end of November to those ratepayers impacted. The letter will be delayed until the end of January because Council has asked SaskTel to complete a review of options for higher speeds as well as review the costing under the Community Participation Program for both the existing Proposal and for other options. The letter will outline the payment options and timelines for the levy and SaskTel work.
Council received five requests to be exempted from the SaskTel Additional Service Area levy and all five were denied.
Council received and considered nine letters regarding the SaskTel project.
The District COVID measures will continue with:
- Limited opening of the office to the public in compliance with provincial guidelines around social distancing and cleaning.
- Electronic communications and scheduled appointments where possible.
- Mandatory Masks within District Buildings effective November 18
- Monitoring and adhering to provincial guidelines regarding social distancing, group gathering restrictions, and restricting access to public facilities.
Public Hearings – None.
Reports, Discussion and Actions:
- Public Works: trees will be cleared at Lions Park and on Lakeshore Drive east of Spruce Drive North. Emma Lake transfer station is accepting sorted materials at no charge for District Ratepayers (at the discretion of the transfer station attendant); open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 9am – 4pm. Roads are in normal winter driving condition.
- Council reviewed a draft Fee Bylaw No. 01-2021 which will be brought back to the January, 2021 meeting.
- Protective Services: November statistical report, provincial and inter-agency updates.
- Building / Development: November and December permit reports. Requests for:
- a 10% variance for the side yard setback for a septic tank at Carwin Park was granted.
- Administrator’s report included the Action / Motion item report, review of the petition received, request for an access agreement, 2021 salary grids and rates and a discussion of the ATV bylaw and potential amendments for 2021.
- Council approved the proposed playground structure for the Jacobson Family Playground at Ed Greenop Park, Anglin Lake. Installation will be in Spring, 2021.
Other matters of business:
- Received communications: PARCS; SAMA, AN109 Group; and SARM re SUMA Name Change and Lieutenant Governor’s Award Nominations for Service to Rural Saskatchewan.
- Extended deferral of consideration of options to address requests from property owners in the AN 109 Anglin Lake assessment category.
Comments or concerns should be submitted through the Council office (306.982.2010 or email They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and monthly by Council.