As noted in previous updates, the meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab on the website –
The District Council and staff welcomes you to join us on Friday, July 26, from 4 – 6pm: the 3rd annual District BBQ which will be held this year at Neis Park. It’s a chance to gather beside beautiful Emma Lake with friends and neighbours; have a hot dog or hamburger; and kick off another summer weekend.
July Reports, Discussion and Actions:
- Public Works: selective work on removal of dead or dangerous trees if not adjacent to cabins as the majority of the work will take place in the fall, acquisition of a 2008 Chevy Colorado, road maintenance and dust-proofing, drainage, landfill inspection and lagoon operations. Note that the Emma Lake transfer station is open 7 days a week during July and August.
- Protective Services: June statistical report including tickets issued, and inter-agency activities.
- Request to amend the Fence Bylaw to permit higher rear yard (lake front) fences. The Bylaw will be reviewed with consideration for the recreational nature of the municipality, and clarification of the location on lots.
- Public Hearing set for Friday, August 9, beginning at 2pm to concerns or support for a proposed Bylaw to establish the residential area of McPhee Lake as an ‘Additional Service Area’ under the Municipalities Act regarding burying the main power lines.
- Building / Development:
- Authorized the hiring of Christopher Letendre to replace retiring building official Cliff Letendre.
- Set a public hearing for Monday, August 12, at 10am, for submissions regarding the application to establish a shipping container by the Navy League of Canada.
- Denied a request for building a 2 metre fence at the front of a property in Murray Point.
- Reviewed June/July permits issued, and a request for a dock on a municipal reserve.
- Information regarding the Annual Information meeting, North Central Lakelands Planning Commission, Christopher Lake Library, Lakeland Recreation Board, Environmental Advisory Committee, and the Waskesiu Wilderness Region.
- Approved Bylaws – Waste and Recyclable Management (8-2019) and Fire Restrictions (9-2019).
- Approved the Sunset Bay Beach Volleyball tournament to be held on August 9 – 10, subject to restrictions regarding noise and alcohol.
- Correspondence was received regarding the Neis Trail Canada Day parade and response, North SK River Basin Council annual general meeting, SK CrimeStoppers, Organized Hamlet of Elk Ridge Board meeting minutes, SK Municipal Board Assessment Appeals Committee determination of an appeal at Anglin Lake, and Provincial Association of Resort Communities of SK newsletter.
Ratepayer concerns were primarily related to culverts, drainage, roads, garbage, signage, wildlife, and illegal dumping of yard (leaves, brush) material, water adjacent to Hwy 953, enforcement of bylaws related to sheds and trailers on residential properties, ATVs, boats, water quality, Lions Park, and residential parking space. Received positive comments about the installation of bear proof bins at the north end of Neis Trail.
Comments or concerns should be submitted through the District office (306.982.2010 or email They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and by Council at our monthly meetings. The next Council meeting is August 12.
Don’t forget the District Community BBQ on Friday, July 26 … hope to see you there.