The July 13 meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab.
As of the July meeting, the District COVID measures continue with:
- Limited opening of the office to the public in compliance with provincial guidelines around social distancing, electronic communication, and scheduled appointments.
- Emma Lake transfer station accepting sorted materials at no charge (at the discretion of the transfer station attendant); open 7 days a week from 9am – 4pm.
- Monitoring and adherence to provincial guidelines regarding social distancing, group gathering restrictions, and use of public facilities such as parks, playgrounds and beaches.
Public Hearing and Delegations:
- Chesters regarding Bears and ATV Bylaw,
- Norlund regarding municipal reserve encroachments,
- Brassard & Stephens regarding ATV Bylaw,
- Kelly & Skiffington regarding municipal reserve access,
- and Conservation Officers Bonnie Greene & Casey Howie regarding Bear Smart.
Reports, Discussion and Actions:
- Concerns were received regarding the implementation of a park permit fee for access to the Great Blue Heron Provincial Park at the June meeting. A letter was sent to the Minister of Parks, Culture & Sport, Hon. Gene Makowsky, expressing ratepayer concerns with the implementation, timing and communication.
- Fundraising for the Anglin Lake (Greenop Park) playground project is nearing $50,000 of the estimated cost of $80,000 – $90,000. A donor recognition program will be developed by the Anglin Lake Cottage Owners Association for Council approval. Pending confirmation of liability exemption, Council approved disposal of the existing playground equipment with proceeds to the new project.
- Preliminary property values for the 2021 revaluation were received from SK Assessment Management Agency (SAMA) by the Administrator. As in the past, Council will schedule a working session in September to determine further actions and a planned release of the information to ratepayers.
- Building / Development: Update regarding Elk Ridge Estates new development, June and July permit reports, limited municipal reserve access for Kelly & Skiffington, process to address encroachments on adjoining reserves (Nordlund), and initial bylaw readings of Zoning Amendments 11-2020 and Official Community Plan Amendment 12-2020 (public hearing at August 10 Council meeting).
- Public Works: Neis Drive road upgrade, trees, beaches, roads, drainage, landfills, lagoons, equipment, and occupational health & safety. Playground equipment has been installed at Neis and Bell’s Beaches. Trees have been removed and site prepared for installation of the Sunnyside Beach playground. Summer staff were approved: Dave Goodwin, Jason McLeod.
- Protective Services: June statistical report, provincial and inter-agency updates, and staffing. Tyler Russell hiring on July 4 as a Special Constable on July 4 was authorized.
- Administrator’s report included the Action / Motion item report, approval of Municipal Economic Enhancement Project (MEEP) application and Bylaw 13-2020 to amend Additional Service Area for McPhee Lake Residential Subdivision (SaskPower and SaskTel lines), first reading of Bylaw 7-2020 Marinas, Dock Boat Lifts and Vessel amendment as it relates to overnight mooring of watercrafts. The 2020 Dock Policy was deferred to the August Council meeting.
- Other matters of business:
- Organized Hamlet of Elk Ridge: A copy of the Resort Village application was received.
- Received communications: Hrytzak, Provincial Association of Resort Communities of SK (PARCS) newsletters, Crime Stoppers SK statistics, Lakeland District Fire Co-op June 30 statistics,
- Delegations and input regarding the ATV 2020 Bylaw in partnership with the RM of Paddockwood and the Great Blue Heron Provincial Park was received and discussed. There was good support for the bylaw, however concerns have been raised regarding the initial and annual license fee. The matters raised will be considered in the North Central Lakelands inter-jurisdictional partners review, including analysis of financial revenue and plans for the ATV trail fund (signage, maintenance, maps).
- Discussion with today’s Delegation and SK Environment Conservation Officers, and input from ratepayers and the Environmental Advisory Committee was related to bear activity and management of garbage within the subdivisions. The Conservation Officers indicated that garbage is one factor of a number which attract bears. The Bear Smart Society website ( provides useful information. Various measures have been taken by the District including education and awareness, increasing bearproof bins and frequency of pickup, and removal of individual bins when problems occur or upon request. A CodeRED alert was issued. A SK Alert notification was requested, however the province declined issuing of an alert. Monitoring of the situation, continued awareness and education, and adjustments related to the District garbage processes will continue.
- The nomination period for District Council (Reeve and 5 Councillors) positions will close at 2pm on July 25, with elections on August 29 including an advance poll on August 22.
- Ratepayer concerns consisted primarily of garbage, trees, drainage, and issues related to beach use. Administration is reviewing options for a reserve in the McPhail Cove area which currently serves as lake access for residents and the boating public.
- Council indicated their support for Staff efforts in meeting resident, business and visitor expectations and service requirements; and expressed thanks to the Staff for their ongoing service to the municipality.
Comments or concerns should be submitted through the Council office (306.982.2010 or email They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and monthly by Council.