The May 11th meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab. The June 8 meeting will include a public hearing (conference call access) related to the rezoning amendments and business license bylaws for the retail sale of cannabis.
As of the May meeting, the District will:
- continue closure of the office to the public with staff responding to business requests through electronic means and if necessary, scheduled appointments,
- the Emma Lake transfer station will accept sorted materials at no charge (at the discretion of the transfer station attendant, see our Transfer Station page for a guideline on what we accept),
- continue to monitor and adhere to provincial guidelines regarding social distancing for staff, residents and visitors, group gathering restrictions, and closure of public facilities such as washrooms, parks, playgrounds and beaches.
Reports, Discussion and Actions:
- Building / Development: April and May permit report, 1st and 2nd reading of Cannabis Business License Bylaw 8-2020 and Cannabis Zoning Amendment Bylaw 9-2020, review of draft charges of Dock Boat Lift and Vessel Bylaw 7-2020, requests for variance and amalgamation of lots.
- Public Works: trees, beaches/public washrooms, roads, dust proofing, drainage, landfills, lagoons, equipment, and occupational health & safety. BCL Consulting joined the meeting by conference call to provide an update on the wastewater project indicating that heritage assessment had been completed with approval to proceed. Council will meet with BCL on May 21 for a further update.
- Protective Services: April statistical report, provincial and inter-agency updates, and plans for the Victoria Day weekend.
- Administration’s report included the Action / Motion item report, tax notices and information items (Environmental Advisory Committee, COVID, District processes) were mailed out last week, the annual information meeting scheduled for July has been cancelled, District Council elections will be held on July 25 with an advance poll on July 18, and approval of the Human Resource Manual.
- Other matters of business:
- Written reports received from the Reeve (included Prince Albert National Park report) and the Division 1 Councillor newsletter.
- Ratepayer concerns consisted primarily of drainage and road issues. The Anglin Lake AN109 Appellant Group request for preliminary information was received. Further information regarding the SK Assessment Management Agency (SAMA) timelines and processes is required prior to responding to this request.
- Organized Hamlet of Elk Ridge: A motion of non-support for application to the Province of Saskatchewan to establish a resort village was passed. The primary rationale being that proposed additions to the restructuring voluntary agreement occurred following the public hearing. In addition, Council does not support binding arbitration with the Organized Hamlet of Elk Ridge with respect to establishing a voluntary agreement related to the resort village restructuring application.
- Received Re-Open SASK (May 1, 2020) information and Provincial Association of Resort Communities of SK (PARCS) newsletters.
Comments or concerns should be submitted through the Council office (306.982.2010 or email They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and monthly by Council.