The May 17, 2021 meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab. The Council member contact information is under Council Members.
Waste and Recycling Collection Contracts
At the April meeting (Agenda here includes proposed locations), it was determined that a three year contract with Greenland Waste will provide for the elimination of the individual roll out carts and the addition of 30-50 larger shared bear proof bins throughout the District with a recycling bin at the same location of each bear proof bin. The existing contract expires May 31, 2021; however the replacement of the individual carts will take place over the course of the month of June and potentially into July. The transition will happen by subdivision. Please refer to the District Website for updates on this process.
Transfer Station: The transfer station has been relocated between the shop and the old lagoon. Council has resolved to not charge for District ratepayers at the transfer station for the balance of 2021 with the exception of Fridges, freezers, water coolers and air conditions that contain freon.
Mill Rate and Base Taxes
Council received and reviewed the draft operating budget and options for Uniform Mill Rates and Base Tax levels. The overall assessment decreased as a result of the Revaluation Process of updating all the assessed values in the Province. In an effort to keep tax increases to a minimum in this uncertain time, Council resolved to leave the Uniform Mill Rate at 2.34 and to increase the base taxes for land and improvements $35 each. This means that a developed property will have base tax of $270 rather than $200, however the sanitation levy has been eliminated which was $70 for most developed residential properties. This does not include the School Mill Rates.
Organized Hamlet of Elk Ridge: Mill Rate is 2.77; Sanitation Levy remains in place; Base Tax remains at 2020 levels.
Now that the Mill Rates and base taxes have been established, the office is able to provide an updated estimate of your 2021 Tax Levy. Tax Notices will be sent after the June 30 deadline for assessment appeals has passed.
- Dave Stangier, addressed Council to gauge support for a request to purchase a portion of the lot adjacent to his Anglin Lake lot owned by the District. The request is to accommodate an accessory building for storage. Council deferred the request to Administration to determine steps and options available if Council should wish to consider the request.
- Willie Unger, McPhee Lake property owner, addressed Council to request that property known as Gateway Resort (which he has an agreement for sale pending) be rezoned from Commercial 1 to Residential 1 – High Density in order to accommodate a 13 lot bare land condo development. Council approved the Bylaw to rezone to a Public Hearing at the June 14 Council meeting.
Public Hearings
- A public hearing was held to receive input regarding an application to establish seasonal camping spots at Elk Ridge Resort. There was 1 written submission received indicating no concerns and the application was approved.
- A public hearing was held to receive submissions regarding Bylaw No. 6-2021 to rezone a portion of Elk Ridge Resort property from Rural Forest to Resort Commercial District in order to provide for the establishment of 128 additional camping spots. There were no written or verbal submissions received. The Bylaw was given 2nd and 3rd readings and will be forwarded to Government Relations for Ministerial approval.
Reports, Discussion and Actions:
- Public Works: a proposed 2021 Road Program was provided with priorities and approved. The Neis Project, Bells Beach Access and Ambrose Road are to be completed by contractors with the financing coming from reserves. Projects at Anglin Lake and Guise Beach will be completed with municipal forces. A number of other projects are included time and weather permitting.
- Protective Services: March statistical report, provincial and inter-agency updates.
- An amended Nuisance Abatement and Property Standards Bylaw was adopted. Bylaw 10-2021 has removed reference to camping units being prohibited from habitation within the municipality. This is a result of the RV Bylaw adopted at the April meeting.
- Building / Development: April permit report was received.
- Two proposals for replots of single streets at Poplar and Burberry were reviewed and authorized to proceed. Reports on communication towers and aquablasters were referred back to Administration for further review and a two lots were approved for re-subdivision into 3 lots at Doran Park approved.
- Council regretfully acknowledged Leslie Tuchek’s resignation as Emergency Measures Coordinator and appointed Cheryl Bauer Hyde as Emergency Measures Coordinator effective June 15, 2021 and to be reviewed in September, 2022.
- Administrator’s report included the Draft operating budget; Draft 5 Year Capital Plan; Action / Motion item report; Ratepayer Concerns; financial reports; and an update of other activities in the office.
Other matters of business:
Received communications: SARM; Government Relations and Wapiti Regional Library.
Comments or concerns should be submitted through the Council office (306.982.2010 or email They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and monthly by Council.