Delegations consisted of:

  • Anglin Lake Cottage Owners Association regarding playground condition and upgrade,
  • Karen Chad to discuss development of a foundation on a non-conforming dwelling, and
  • An update on the preliminary design report for the wastewater treatment facility upgrades by BCL Engineering Ltd., Tim Magus and Tim Ledding.

As noted in previous updates, the meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab on the website –

Reports, Discussion and Actions:

  • Held a Public Hearing regarding closure of a portion of Bay and Jacobson Drives, Bells Beach, to facilitate a 10-year process to realign properties in compliance of the municipal Zoning Bylaw.
  • Council affirmed support of the provincial assessment process provided by the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency.
  • Denied:
    • a request for a one-year tax abatement for a defined number of Anglin Lake ratepayers (September delegation),
    • permission to leave permanent seating structures on the Grey Owl Drive municipal reserve,
    • a request to permit establishing a foundation under a non-conforming dwelling, and
    • reimbursement for personal use snow fencing.
  • Authorized a 10% variance on the front yard requirement for installation of a septic tank.
  • Public Works: removal of dead or dangerous trees will continue through to late November, Neis Beach toilet has been relocated and work will be done to increase parking spots, playground installation at Neis and Bells Beach is delayed until spring due to weather conditions, snow fences has been installed where drifting occurs onto public roads, Sunset Bay beach parking lot improvements, and wastewater and landfill updates.
  • Protective Services: October statistical report including tickets issued and inter-agency activities including meeting with the Prince Albert RCMP detachment Operations NCO.
  • In addition to the items noted above related to Building & Development, received the October / November reports.
  • Administration:
    • Set the 2020 Council meeting dates: January 13, February 10, March 9, April 20, May 8, June 8, July 13, August 10, September 14, October 19, November 16, December 14.
    • Appointed Dane Byers to the Environmental Advisory Committee.
    • Accepted the Affinity Credit Union financial services proposal dated October 7, 2019.
    • Renamed roads to remove duplication and identify unnamed areas – Lakeshore Drive, Anglin Lake to Lakeshore Drive North; Lakeshore Drive, Emma Lake to Lakeshore Drive South; Janice Place to Janice Bay and Neis Bay; north access to McIntosh Point to Agnes Drive. Renumbered some properties on Neis and Marine Drives.
    • Noted that the Office will be closed November 26 (staff planning).
    • Updates regarding McPhee Lake (SaskPower project), and Elk Ridge public hearing on November 22 (establishment of a Resort Village process).
  • Received Reeve and Councillor reports, SARM Midterm Convention Resolutions, and correspondence from Margaret & Harvey Boettcher, Grant Sawchuk, Dan Frandsen, and Leslie Tuchek.

Comments or concerns should be submitted through the Council office (306.982.2010 or email  They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and by Council at our monthly meetings.  The next Council meeting is December 9 beginning at 9am.