While this is not meant to be a comprehensive report of the September and October (Regular and Special) Council meetings, the following is some of what is being dealt with.

A significant undertaking over the past months has been recruitment of an Administrator with the previously announced retirement as of December 31, 2016, of current Administrator, Dave Dmytruk. We are pleased to announce that Tammy Knuttila, CMA/CPA, will begin employment with the District on November 1. Tammy has an extensive background as a Chief Administrative Officer with the Rural Municipalities of Corman Park, Biggar, and LeRoy. Dave and Tammy will work together over the next few weeks towards a smooth transition.

– The usual fall removal of dead and dangerous trees is taking place. It was noted that approximately 300 – 400 trees are removed each year, and Administration has recommended investigation of a planned tree replacement program for municipal reserves and public property in order to maintain an natural lake environment. The early snow created additional trees down across many roads, however, within a 48 hour period, trees were removed and all roads cleared. Garbage cans left on the roadside created problems, and a program will be considered to address this ongoing issue.

– Drainage projects include reshaping of the drainage channel in Sunnyside Co-op, Anglin Lake and McPhee Lake ditch repair, Boundary Road reconstruction, and acceptance of the Kaskew Forestry Products Ltd. tender for the south end of Carwin Park.

– The annual Ministry of Environment inspection was done on the municipal lagoons, and a good report was received.

– The District approved an Inter Municipal Licensing Bylaw, and approved an agreement with the Village of Christopher Lake, R.M. of Paddockwood, and the Village of Paddockwood. This bylaw and agreement will provide for businesses to purchase one license to operate within the inter-municipal business area, reducing confusion regarding municipal boundaries and the need to hold separate licenses for each municipality.

– The civic addressing campaign will be continued in 2017 as many people have left the area for the 2016 season. The Lakeland & District Fire Department report for the year-to-date ending September 30, 2016, noted that many residences that have been responded to either don’t have the civic address posted which could cause a delay in the case of a emergent response.

– ‘Welcome to the District of Lakeland’ signs have received Ministry of Highways approval and will be put up in four locations entering the municipality in the spring of 2017 .

– The project to have culverts in the District placed on a GPS system has been completed by the North SK River Basin staff.

– Representatives from SAMA (SK Assessment Management Agency) provided an overview of the four year revaluations. The new base date of January 1, 2015 will be used to update the 2017 values for the property tax base. Although specific assessment values won’t be available until early in 2017, visit the SAMA website for more information – www.sama.sk.ca.

– Following notice of application by Garry Paulson for discretionary use for a campground application to residents adjacent to Lot 1 & 2, Block 1, Plan 70PA15316 (246 and 248 Commercial Drive), McPhee Lake, comments and concerns were received and reviewed with a representative of the applicant at both the September and October Council meetings. Subject to several conditions imposed by the council, the discretionary use campground application was approved.

– Revised terms of reference for the Lakeland District Protective Services Board were approved.

– Approval for participation at the Provincial Association of Resort Communities of SK convention for Councillor Karen Bosker, and at the SARM (SK Association of Rural Municipalities) semi-annual meeting for Cheryl Bauer Hyde, Tom Burwell, Doug Oftedal, and Walt Plessl.
– A request for ‘temporary visitor parking’ along Neis Trail was referred to Administration.

– Following a presentation from ratepayers at McIntosh Point, Administration was authorized to:

o Investigate establishment of a ‘dog friendly’ park area.
o Review the existing Animal Control bylaw.
o Obtain a legal opinion regarding liability for the District with respect to dogs on municipal reserves.

– Introduced first reading of a bylaw to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 17-2013 to facilitate the rezoning of Gateway Resort (McPhee Lake) from C-1 Resort Commercial District to RMU Multiple Unit Residential District. The public hearing for this bylaw is deferred to the spring/summer of 2017 to allow for participation by both permanent and seasonal ratepayers.

– Discussion was held by council regarding the upcoming dispute hearing with the Organized Hamlet of Elk Ridge regarding the 2016 budget and matters related to administration of the Hamlet. If the Appeal Board process proceeds, a hearing of the dispute will be held beginning at 9am on Thursday, November 24, at the Hawood Hotel, Waskesiu, and if required, 9am on Friday, November 25. The hearing is open to the public to observe, and this information will be communicated to our ratepayers through the website, at the office, and through Vacationland News.

As noted in August, a listing of ratepayer concerns received during the preceding month is provided in each Council package and includes Administration’s response. In some instances, the comments may indicate the need for a new/revised policy or bylaw.

While the contact information for myself and all councillors is on the website and/or available through the District office, we encourage you to contact the District office if you have a concern or require municipal services (and saying thank you for good service is always appreciated as well) so that it can be addressed in a timely manner.

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  • District of Lakeland No. 521,
    Box 27 Christopher Lake, SK S0J 0N0
  • (306) 982-2010
  • office@lakeland521.ca
  • Monday – Friday
    9:00 am – 4:30 pm
  • Lakelan