Click here for the letter sent out to affected ratepayers on March 9, 2021.

Please be advised that The Quest at Christopher Lake has made an application for a seasonal campground for families that will be attending The Quest.  The Quest is able to provide programs on weekends and day camps for the summer of 2021.  They want to be able to provide the families with the opportunity to stay in their own RV on the property as the children are not able to stay in the cabins due to provincial guidelines.  The request is for families only that will be attending the camp and the intent is to have 4 sites set aside.

Pursuant to the District of Lakeland’s Zoning Bylaw, this is a recreational discretionary use in the IC, Institutional Camp.  All property owners located within a 75-meter radius from the above-mentioned property are required to receive notice of this potential development, and have been mailed directly.  Please be aware that if the application gets approved, The Quest would be responsible for paying trailer licencing fees for the spots intended on being used as campsites.  Trailer licencing fees are applied to all campgrounds within the District of Lakeland.

The public hearing that will be held at:

District of Lakeland No. 521 Council Chambers
48 Main Street, Christopher Lake, SK
Monday April 12, 2021 at 9:50 am

Comments may be submitted through email to or in writing to:

Jenn Bergstrom
District of Lakeland No. 521
Box 27
Christopher Lake, SK
S0J 0N0

Please contact the office for the Zoom information or if you have any questions in regards to this proposal at 306-982-2039.

Jenn Bergstrom
Development Officer